Hi pals today am bringing you a new article which is very exclusive to MTN users in Nigeria but other Readers can check this out too provided MTN is a valid ISP in your country or area.
You might have probably heard of various VPNS or softwares that enables you to run bis on pc, but the one am about to introduce to you is a unique one.
GPLUS VPN; It’s an acronym which stands for the words Google plus Vpn. It has come to correct some errors that other vpn providers have failed to produce.
They set up the the company for the betterment of the internet and make unlimited web surfing affordable and encouraging to the youths.
Kindly follow the steps below to setup Gplus vpn on your pc;
The gplus vpn works this way,with an mtn bis plan preferably mtn bis 1500,you will register @ http://www.gplusvpn.com ,after you registered an email will be sent to the mail address you use to register.you will activate the gplus vpn by login into your account through the message you recieved in your inbox or spam folder in your mail.
NOTE; if you do not recieve the confirmation message,check
your mailbox it will be there.so after your account is activated and you log into it,now you will have to
download the gplus software,if you have no conection on your pc download it on your mobile phone and send it via bluetooth or copy via usb to your pc,when that is done you are one step ahead. Now go to your pc and configure your
modem settings with the following strings;
*profile name; Gplus vpn
username: web
password: web
Now on the same modem change your network setting
network type; select 3g only OR WMCDA ONLY
band : select automatic and save the setting.
when that is done go to where u
save your gplus vpn,run it as administrator(it is compulsory for you to run it as administrator else it won’t work) after that install the
driver,enter your user name and password and choose udp as protocol and 500 as your port when done go back to your modem and conect the modem when the
modem strt running go back to the gplus vpn and conect it too and you will browse unlimited for a
month but for it to work you will need a premium voucher and to get the premium contact Mr Olu.
tel; 07063667303
facebook; http://fb.com/olujimi. metilelu
email; [email protected]
bbm; 21E1605F