Download : Simple Server for Android version 2.0.2


Get the latest version 2.5.0 from here.

Nigerians have been using simple server for quite a long time now and we are happy to announce the new update. This updates comes with awesome features which includes :


1. Stability for Auto Rotation enabled phone.
2. No more boring Force Close messages.
3. Faster than before.
4. Awesome GUI
5. Easy to configure,navigate and use.


If you like to rock this new version of Simple Server, you can DOWNLOAD it from here.

 [stextbox id=”download” mode=”js”]Download Simple Android Server V2.0.2[/stextbox]

About the author


I'm one of those guys who scours YouTube everyday for a new video reviewing the latest gadgets...or Epic Rap Battles of History and something "2paculous". If you have a question about a smartphone or tablet, I've got the answer or your money back (if only I could be paid to consult like this). I consider myself a very enthusiastic person and loyal friend with just a hint of sarcasm.

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